
Meet the mentors, the givers, the sustainers.


Stay connected with W&J College friends, build your network, locate events, be a donor.

Jay Connected, the W&J College alumni online community, is designed specifically for you. Connect today and make the most of your alumni status.

Stay Connected

校友执行委员会(AEC)是一群校友,专注于加强校友之间的联系 & students.

Photos of alumni executive council members


Keep being a part of W&J College. No matter where you are, we need your ongoing leadership and participation.

Networking Reception


Donors transform the college and its students in tangible ways. We make it easy and meaningful to contribute.


Number of regional events across the country including museum tours, baseball games, young alumni networking events, and more




Number of alumni volunteers ready to connect with students

Upcoming Events

Sorry, no events are scheduled right now. Check back soon for more upcoming events.

Contact Us

W&J Office of Alumni Engagement
W&J College
335 E Wheeling St.
Washington, PA 15301

724-223-6079 |